Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Friday Finish!

Ok, so it's not Friday just yet, and it's only a top....but still, it's a finish!!! Actually, I guess this will be my last finish of 2010 :(

It won't go down in history as my favourite quilt top, but I sure like it better than I did a couple of weeks ago. Each piece of the Sugar Pop line by Moda is in the top.

Its 45" X 77", which I find a little long, so I may trim the length back - we'll see.

I don't think I'll add a border.

One blogger described her quilt as "Fungly", which I think is a combo of Fun and Ugly. That might be a good name for this one!

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

On Point #2

A friend encouraged me to continue on with this quilt. I am liking it better now that it is sewn together. This is part 1 of 3 that needs to make this quilt. More to come!

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

White Christmas

Do you have a favourite quilt designer? Apparently, I do!

I was looking for Australian Patchwork and Quilting Magazine at my local bookstore. They didn't have it, but they did have Austalian Quilter's Companion, a magazine I was not familiar with. I picked it up, thumbed through it and came across the picture below. It was love at first sight! After I gazed at it for a good long time, I searched the page for the designer's name. Well, wouldn't you know it, the designer is Kellie Wilsohn, the designer of the Meg's Garden quilt I replicated and the author of the Don't Look Now blog! Kellie is also the designer of the Joseph's Coat quilt that I am (trying) to make. I guess I am just drawn to Kellie's patterns! I just might have to drop everything and begin working on this beauty (titled White Christmas) immediately! I already have some plans to Melanie-ize it! It won't be ready for this Christmas, but that's ok!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Pretty or Hideous?

Sugar Pop fabrics... Hope that it will start looking nicer as the pieces are sewn together. That has happened to me before. Fingers crossed.